To enhance your SMS marketing, you should have a guideline on the top ways to reach out to the SMS goal.

Let’s start our blog with a bet! We bet your cell phone is somewhere near you all the time. And in case you’ve got an SMS, you will open it straight away, right? According to the statistics, it takes an average user 3 to 5 seconds to read a text message, making SMS marketing a powerful communication tool.

What makes now a successful SMS campaign? What makes it hot for the audience to open the SMS of yours and the offering?

Here are 3 effective ways to power up your SMS marketing campaigns and make it as fruitful as they can be. 

Create short and instructive SMSHaving your name of the company appears as a sender, it should be followed by an informative text. Be extremely precise about your SMS: indicate the core concept of your special offer and make it easy to take part in it. Limit your SMS to 160 characters to create an SMS copy that converts and doesn’t bore the recipient.

The SMS should save the reader’s time and highlights only key information about the message: 

who? what? when?

The more your message is brief, the more benefit you will get out of this SMS marketing campaign. 

  • Choose the timing and frequency carefully

Keep in mind that your audience may not want to be interrupted. You don’t want to disturb your clients at midnight while they’re sleeping or early in the morning while they’re getting ready for work. Study your audience, segment them according to their location, and send your SMS within reasonable business hours so that your recipients can react to your offer.

For example, you can send out messages on the weekend in which your audience has free time to read your offer and think about the offer and the purchase for next week. 

Also, you have to be aware of sending your SMS marketing campaigns too often and try to find a balance between staying top of mind and not being annoying. According to a certain study, the optimal SMS sending frequency is 5-6 messages a month.

  • Integrate SMS with other social interactive channels 

Integrate your SMS campaign with other forms of online communication such as social media ( facebook, insta links ..) to engage a wider audience into your community. Automate such workflows to send only timely and relevant messages.

You can send these links within the SMS for people to know and be aware of your presence on all marketing channels and check out all of your offerings and get to know your business better. Sometimes you miss something in a certain channel, and the audience can find this gap in another marketing tool. 

SMS marketing campaigns can open doors for existing and new clients to be always aware of your presence using the above ways. 

SMS marketing is essential to any marketing strategy especially nowadays in which your audience is a bunch of mobiles attracted people, so they want everything to be sent directly to their phones. Broadnet Technologies allows you to plan your perfect SMS marketing strategy, bearing in mind the ways and keys to the success of these SMS campaigns. 

Haven’t tried our SMS services yet? Give us a Call NOW!

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