If you think Bulk SMS marketing is somehow old-fashioned for summer, you might be thinking about your marketing strategy wrong.

Summer’s just one season out—and with it, a bucket load of fresh, new Bulk SMS marketing opportunities. If you haven’t already, it’s time to get started building an Bulk SMS campaign for the summer. We’ve come up with seven unique ways that you can add a bit of flavor to your summer Bulk SMS marketing strategy. Consider these ideas as you look to build your campaign for this summer.

Let Customers Know About Your Hot Sales

Consider having a countdown to summer or other engaging activity that regularly reminds your contacts of any summer deals you may have. This way, they’ll start to see the start of summer as being synonymous with your deals.

Hold a Giveaway

Everyone loves free stuff—and the chance to win it. With a sizzling-hot summer giveaway, you can start to win the attention and the favor of your contacts.

You can increase cooperation by making sure that you incorporate BULK SMS personalization. By making people feel involved, you can start to mobilize your customer base for better marketing throughout the summer months.

Host an Event—and Invite People to It

People have more time in the summertime enough to go to any events that you may be hosting.

For this reason, plan a block party, cookout, or some other form of community activity in your local area. Then, be sure to text your contacts to invite them out.

Offer and Advertise New Products

If you’ve got anything new hitting your stores in the summer, be sure to let your customers know. By sending personalized BULK SMS informing your contacts of new and upcoming opportunities, you can make them feel as if they stay in the loop. This builds a sense of trust and familiarity and keeps them coming back for more.

Have Regular Surveys and Polls

Looking for a way to keep your contacts engaged while receiving valuable feedback? Consider adding surveys and polls to your Bulk SMS marketing strategy. These will provide you with the information you need to craft a better campaign, as well as see where your business should head.

Offer Special Discounts to the First 100 Customers

Looking to quickly catch the attention of your contacts? Offer a special discount or offer to the first 100 people who reply to your text. You can be sure that you’ll get responses faster than you thought possible.

This summer is fierce, make the best out of it through Bulk SMS marketing!

As you can see, your type of business and BULK SMS is the perfect match. If you can incorporate the BULK SMS mentioned above campaign idea the proper and strategic way, can create a product or brand awareness, boost sales and enhance customer retention and can turn a profit to both big and small businesses this summer. 

Try Broadnet to leverage your BULK SMS Summer Experience!
