Here are the 7 overall rules of BULK SMS that power up your BULK SMS marketing strategy. 

It does however for many marketers and business owners remain somewhat of a mystery. If you are about to kick start a BULK SMS marketing campaign, I suggest you stick to these eight golden rules of BULK SMS marketing and you won’t go far wrong.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #1: Never inundate your opt-ins with too many messages

The general rule with text message frequency is no more than 4 a month. Anything above this amount will become an annoyance and run the risk of your customers opting out.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #2: Always give the customer the option to opt-out at any time: customers should always feel that they are in control of the experience and can opt-out at any time. For both ethical and brand protection reasons, no promotional text message should ever be sent without the functionality for the recipient to call a halt to further texts.

You should always include an offer in your BULK SMS marketing campaigns.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #3: Always include an offer

People want to be a part of exclusive clubs that receive special offers and discounts; they don’t want to have their phone cluttered up with junk texts. Keep offering them value and they will remain opted in and buying from you.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #4: Never send out messages outside of business hours

As a general rule text messages outside of business hours, when consumers are relaxing or with their family, will seem intrusive. In some instances, this can be stretched to 7 pm or 8 pm but it’s safest to stick to the rule. As discussed above don’t ever give your customers a reason to opt-out.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #5: Personalize your messages and use humor where appropriate

If your software allows and you have the data try and include your customer’s name in the text message. Consumers want to feel special and that you are taking the time out to talk to them personally and not just as part of a mass marketing exercise. Humor also works if it’s appropriate to the brand, the campaign, and the audience.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #6: Always be aware of other marketing efforts

BULK SMS marketing will rarely if ever, be the only marketing activity that is being utilized by a business or brand. When planning an BULK SMS marketing campaign make sure you are aware of all other marketing efforts and links in where possible.

BULK SMS Golden Rule #7: Be relevant and respond to current and local events where possible

Use current events like elections, sporting events, the weather, and holidays as inspiration for BULK SMS campaigns that will make you seem in touch with the locality and your customers’ lives.

Grow your business with the 7 Golden rules of BULK SMS that can benefit your business instantly. 

 Broadnet Technologies has been always compelling to these golden rules of BULK SMS which make its expertise the pioneer in the market. Start your BULK SMS campaign now with Broadnet to benefit from an unforgettable BULK SMS marketing experience. 

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