Summary of the key benefits of text messages for a retailer

  • Texting makes your business become more personal
  • Texting helps you reach above the competition
  • Texting helps you become more convenient
  • Texting helps you convey your marketing message in user friendly way
  • Texting helps you adopt mobile marketing strategy

Learn more coverage about how SMS marketing can improve the overall brand value of a retailer.

Did you know SMS has a whopping 98% open rate compared to a mere 22% of emails? Text messages have had a lot of impressive effect on the reader compared to its rival mode of communication.

SMS can easily help convey a marketing message. Given the awesome advantages SMS marketing has, it needs no introduction why so many brands are integrating SMS marketing into their marketing campaign

This article briefly describes some of the key ways SMS can help retail businesses.

Text messages with special offers

It has always been proven to yield higher benefits. A retailer can send text messages to their audiences with special offers. This helps your products and services sell quickly since people keep in the know of the latest offers and spread the message. It keeps people updated about the latest events and offers. Moreover; sending text messages to audiences help in the development of a loyal base of audience since they value that you value them.

Purchase and delivery notification

Send text messages to your customer when they just finished a purchase. The message should contain details of the products purchased, and follow up the message with details of the deliverables.

Offer customers with new offerings

If you need to avail more targeted customers to your store, just let them know of new offers. The immediate impulse buying attitude helps derive new customers in a timely basis.

SMS Survey

After a customer makes a purchase, send them questions regarding their experiences on your store. This helps them know you value their opinions and moreover; you can yield better, pinpointed feedback from them so that you can improve your store

SMS Loyalty Programs

To honor the sales, and keep loyal customers loyal, you can even offer them with loyalty bonus, which entail them with exclusive offers and discounts. This helps improve the overall shopping experience and increases the chance of repeat buying.

As mentioned above, SMS marketing can help in the popularization of a store. It helps you become mobile; which every brand is becoming these days. The more mobile friendly you become better value your business can garner.

These are some of the unique ways a retailer can help his or her business improve and revenue increase. A good SMS text message necessarily increases the chance of improving the marketing of a message. To learn more about how pinpointed, targeted message can help your brand convey targeted, useful marketing messages to your audience using holistic and simple marketing ideas and message, please feel free to click the .