Grow your business now with API SMS integration through its key features of optimization.

SMS stands for short message service and is one of the most effective marketing tools available to small business owners and marketers. Essentially, the practice of texting your consumers or having consumer text you. If you’re not already using API SMS integration­­ in conjunction with your social media marketing campaign, you may be missing out on valuable promotion and outreach opportunities.

Optimize it now by:

  1. Text-to-Win Contests

Text-to-win contests are one of the best ways to integrate your social media campaign with an SMS marketing campaign. With a text-to-win contest, you’ll put a keyword, as well as a short code (the number that users will text), directly on your social media page, be it a Facebook page, Twitter page, or other social media platform. 

  1. SMS message for Promotions

As opposed to the above strategy where users view a short code and keyword on your social media site and must text-to-win, you can also use API SMS integration to send an SMS code to the user directly on their phone, which when clicked, redirects the user to your social media site where they can enter the code to be entered in sweepstakes, giveaway, contest, etc.

  1. Use SMS message to Ask for Acceptance

SMS message doesn’t just have to be used to promote a contest or sweepstakes; rather, you can use API SMS integration simply to offer incentives via text for liking, following, sharing, etc. Because reading a text message is much more convenient for the user and reaches the user immediately (rather than the user needing to login to a social platform first), an SMS to gain followers or promote a call to action can be very effective.

  1. Use an Automated Reply Text

When people text a keyword to your code (as in #1. Text-to-Win Contests), don’t consider your job finished. Instead, use that opportunity to reply to the user by automated reply with a link referring them to a page that’s important to you. Maybe it’s your latest blog, more details about the content, or your Twitter account (which you hope they’ll start following).

  1. Keep in Touch

Finally, you can use API SMS integration in conjunction with your social media campaign by sending out an SMS message about important changes or updates about your business or social media platforms. For example, if you’re announcing a whole new product line, you can send an SMS message to your users with a link to the full announcement on your Facebook page.

 API SMS integration helps your business to be as effective and efficient as you design it to be.

When combined with a social media campaign strategy, Broadnet believes that API SMS integration can prove to be a smart collaboration. By using SMS message for text-to-win contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways, to ask for subscriptions, to direct users to links using automated replies, and to share valuable information with your audience, you can attract more followers, grow your business and engage customers efficiently.